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Press Release

DETECT program studies validate clinical relevance of CTC HER2 phenotypes in metastatic breast cancer patients with HER2 negative primary tumor

Results presented at the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium confirm the relevance of screening for HER2+ CTCs from blood samples in patients with a HER2 negative primary tumor...

New Global Pooled Analysis Supports Clinical Utility of Circulating Tumor Cell Count for Early Monitoring of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Robust pooled analysis demonstrating how CTC count may help to optimize treatment choices   BOLOGNA, Italy and HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa., December 9, 2020 -- Menarini...

New Research Study Supports Clinical Utility of Circulating Tumor Cell Count for Metastatic Breast Cancer

First randomized clinical trial demonstrating that CTC count may help personalize treatment choices   BOLOGNA, Italy and HUNTINGDON VALLEY,...

Two Studies Presented at AACR Meeting Deepen Understanding Of Cancer Mechanisms

Researchers Use Menarini’s Liquid Biopsy Technology to Find Genetic Alterations in Cancer Cells that May Improve Prognosis and Treatment   Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon...

New ASCO Studies Offer Evidence for Use of Circulating Tumor Cells as a Prognostic Biomarker for Advanced Prostate and Breast Cancer

Results from prospective trials show a "clear prognostic value" for CTC counts   BOLOGNA, Italy and HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa., June 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Menarini...

New Menarini CELLSEARCH Studies to be Presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Northwestern University researchers use gold standard  liquid-biopsy technology to deepen understanding of metastatic breast cancer   Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon...

CellSearch Studies at ASCO Show Potential Predictive Role for Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Liquid biopsy data reveals “intriguing” association between ESR1 mutations, HER2 alterations and prognosis   Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon Valley, Pa., May 28,...

New CellSearch Data To Be Presented at AACR Deepens Understanding of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Northwestern Researchers Use Gold-Standard Liquid Biopsy Technology to Identify Potential New Biomarker Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon Valley, Pa., MARCH 26, 2019 -- Menarini Silicon...

New Studies Using CELLSEARCH Circulating Tumor Cell Test to be Featured at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Research Adds to Growing Evidence of Clinical Utility of CTCs for the management of Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon Valley, Pa., NOVEMBER 29, 2018 --...