Site content: Global

Press Release

CELLSEARCH® CTC count proves its clinical utility in guiding therapeutic strategy supporting patient care in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer

STIC CTC trial data published this November 2023 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) demonstrate that CTC-guided treatment decision confers superior survival benefits in a subgroup...

Menarini Silicon Biosystems announces publication of the DETECT III trial results highlighting the potential clinical utility of HER2 testing in circulating tumor cells with CELLSEARCH

Results published by the DETECT study group indicate the relevance of assessing biomarker expression in Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) with the minimally invasive liquid biopsy-based...

New STIC trial data shows longer overall survival for therapy selection based on CELLSEARCH® CTC count in patients with metastatic breast cancer

Integration of CTC (Circulating Tumor Cell) enumeration* to decide between endocrine therapy and chemotherapy may lead to improved clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients with...